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Bo Law Kung Fu is New York’s premiere Chinese martial arts institute, teaching responsibility and independence through the classical method of Tiger Claw Kung Fu. Our school is a positive, supportive environment where students are encouraged to reach their full potential through hard work under the eye of experienced instructors.


BLKF students of all ages are exposed to Chinese culture and traditions such as traditional southern lion dance.


Our advanced students participate in advanced form training, two man drill sets, and sparring exercises, developing coordination, timing, speed, control, mindset and team-building skills.


Classes incorporate basic drills, including strikes, kicks and stances, forms, partner exercises, as well as working on focus pads. Training enhances students’ physical coordination, flexibility, agility, strength and cardiovascular health.


BLKF provides the structure children need in a safe, fun, family-oriented atmosphere.


Classical weaponry training will be taught to advanced students to teach greater coordination, visualization skills and further advance spatial perception and mental focus.

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