How to Choose Swimming Lessons for Kids and Babies
Ensuring your child is comfortable in the water is important as the summer approaches. Here’s how to evaluate swim classes for kids to choose the right one for your child.
Get the Best Winter Activities
1. Does your camp/swim program provide a swim proficiency test?
Every child has a different level of swim and water skills, so it’s important to understand how a program ranks a swimmer’s ability. This will ensure each child is placed in the correct environment that is both safe and fun.
2. How is the swim area divided up?
Changes in swim areas should be indicated. For example, shallow and deep ends should be roped offer so there is a clear visual of where the different depth begins. Plus, swimmers should be grouped together with others who have comparable swim skills.
3. How deep is the water?
Pools, lakes, and beaches all vary in depth and size. Although some remain shallow throughout, it is imperative to note where deeper areas are and that they are clearly marked.
4. Is there a designated water watcher?
Children should NEVER be left unattended when they’re in the water, not even for a minute! Inquire about who will be watching swimmers during aquatic activities and if a lifeguard will be present—and make sure they’re CPR and first aid-trained.
5. What type of water activities does the camp offer?
Aside from traditional swimming, does the camp offer other activities such as boating or sailing? Ensure your child is safe by inquiring if your camp provides Coast Guard-certified life jackets before they take way.
With lots of summer fun on the horizon, help your child become confident in and near water so they can instinctively react to a water emergency or situation in a positive way. Keep your child safe while doing what they love best: having fun!